Thats from Desiderata, a book from the 1920s my mum has on the computer desk. It isn't relevant to the blog, but I thought it was quite nice. By the way, the full sentence is: "Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of
glugg's Articles In Welcome
August 1, 2004 by glugg
To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm sure as my posts go on and I get a bit more experience at this, i'll start to make more sense. But at the moment, I'm just going to tpe in everything in my head. Starting with typing. I'm a hopeless typer. I can type very quickly, but I use both my index fingers only, and always look at the keyboard. This can lead to a lot of speeling mistakes, so bear with me on that. I suppose I should say something about my self. I'm a teenage bloke li...