Thats from Desiderata, a book from the 1920s my mum has on the computer desk. It isn't relevant to the blog, but I thought it was quite nice. By the way, the full sentence is: "Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of
Iknow that's a cliche, but it fits
Published on August 1, 2004 By glugg In Welcome
To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm sure as my posts go on and I get a bit more experience at this, i'll start to make more sense. But at the moment, I'm just going to tpe in everything in my head.

Starting with typing. I'm a hopeless typer. I can type very quickly, but I use both my index fingers only, and always look at the keyboard. This can lead to a lot of speeling mistakes, so bear with me on that.

I suppose I should say something about my self. I'm a teenage bloke living in Melbourne, AUS, and officially going into the stage of 'blooming' according to my old year 9 sex ed teacher. You wouldn't know it thoug. I seem to be pretty much just the same as three years ago.

Maybe its a good idea to get off that topic now. I think i'll talk about the olympics now. I relly like the olypics, there are two reasons. Obviouslyy, the major reason is Australia wins everything, but there is dsomething deeper then that. I'm no athlete, but I am a bit of an idealist when it coms to internationalism. that doesn't mean i'm some wacko anti-globalisation protester or an unswayable pacifist, but it does mean I like to think about the wider world. It's kinda ironic that whilst I probably know more then anyone else in my school about international geopolitcs, cultures, cities, etc., I've only spent 45 days of my life outside my homestate, and all but two weeks of that were in Australia. The fortnight overseas? Spent at club med Malaysia.

I suppose now I should talk about something philosophical. thats what all the serious bloggers do. Or some psychoanalysis of myself. I'd prefer to do the psychoanalysis, it's easier. Well, I think alot. Not in the depressed head-on-windowsill-the-world-is-going-to-the-dogs kind of way, but I am often accused of being too pensive, which is a bit of a joke because I am also acused of being a know it all and arrogant. I know I'm pensive, and I suspect i'm arrogant, but I dont really think i'm a know it all. I know alot about a few things, a little bit about alot of things,. I usually win trivia contests, which goes a little bit towards making up for the sporting failures. I think f I am arrogant, its because I have reasn to be-not that that sentence was arrogant at all.

I live in a country where it is bloody easy to be arrogant; there aren't any major prolems, my city always tops world's most liveable city studies, and the UN think's we are better then every country in the orld-excluding Norway and Sweden; obviously they don't consider the factor of weather.

I also know a heap f stuff that nobody else does. I've probably corrected my international studies teacer more then anyone. But then I get to Psych and i'm very average, and French i'm barely passing.

Anyway, next subject.

actually, scrap that. I think i've talked to much/typed too much. What are you meant to say there? or type there, or write there? We aren't speaking, but typing doesnt seem like a word that has anything to do with communication. I suppose I'll try to use write from now on. Anyway, time to end this ramblin blog. Fingers crossed it makes siome form of sense.

on Aug 01, 2004
Well, since I already knew Hugh not too many surprises here, but a good start nonetheless. I look forward to reading more at time progresses...
on Aug 01, 2004
Yes olympics is an interesting topic. Look at the restless human spirit to win. Altius, citius, fortius.

Here's wishing your country good luck in oplympics.

Keep blogging anyway.